Friday, February 8, 2013

Valentine's Day

So, we're spending Valentine's Day babysitting for my parents, since my little brother has an out-of-town appointment during the day. We're stuck at my house all day, until Jonathan goes to work-- then I am by myself. I am was thinking of making a dinner for my family, as a special treat for my love. Luckily, my mom said she would pay for the ingredients, since I will be feeding her kids too...

My mom suggested a chicken dish. Since I need to learn to cook on a budget and chicken is an inexpensive meet, that sounds like a fantastic idea! If you have any recipes you'd like to volunteer to me before then, I'd appreciate it!

What are you doing for the big day?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

No Doubts, No Problem

In my last post, I talked about being disappointed that I know my dream isn't realistic. Who knows, maybe it is? Well, last night I had a dream that made me feel better, and made me believe it IS realistic. Want me to recap the dream for you? Okay, here I go.

In my dream, I was pregnant. I had just gone into labor and I was walking around like a balloon with my big belly sticking out. He took me to the hospital and I laid down in the bed. The dream skipped some hours and then next thing I knew, the baby had just come out. Jonathan had stars in his eyes when he took one look at our little baby.

Do you want to know why that dream was so reassuring? If he is going to be this in love with our children when they are born, there is no way he won't be like that with me on the joyous day of our wedding. I feel so much better about the whole thing now. Now I'm thinking about babies though, and that's not a good thing (yet!)

Well thank you for listening to my silly rambling again, I will post again soon. <3