Saturday, November 2, 2013

My New Blog

Don't worry, I will still post wedding photos on here (and there) when I get them back, but in the meantime, follow this link over to my new blog that is about life in general as I make my way into being a wife and someday mother, and create a successful marriage rather than a successful wedding!

I hope that some of my followers will follow that blog now that I am just about done with this one. If not, have fun in cyber space!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Housewife Status

As I'm sure you've figured out from my previous posts, my wedding was on Saturday, October 26th of 2013. I got dressed up, had a beautiful wedding to start a beautiful marriage, had beautiful people by my side through the whole thing. I couldn't be happier with how everything happened.

I had all of these preconceived ideas of how the wedding should be; I would shed a few tears as I walked down the isle and said 'I do', Jonathan would have a single glistening tear drop as he saw me walk down the isle toward him, and so on. As you can see from the small description of my expectations, I wanted the fairy tale wedding that went exactly according to plan.

For any of you new readers, I feel I should let you know that close to nothing has gone as planned through this entire journey. It's been a tough road for everyone involved, but we made it to the destination in time, so I won't complain. No matter what things tried to go wrong in the days and weeks leading up to the wedding, it went perfectly. I marriage the man I love with all of my heart, so did anything really go wrong to ruin that?

My advice to all of the future brides who may be reading this: Do not go into the wedding with too many expectations. I don't mean that in a bad or insulting way, I just mean that (the ceremony itself, at least) it will go by so fast that you're not going to have time to notice when one minor thing goes wrong and there is a good chance you're not going to remember any of the little stuff that happened throughout the day.

This will be one of my last few posts, seeing as I am no longer making the wedding in the title of the blog. However, I will post another post or two with a few pictures that you may or may not feel like seeing and will link to my soon-to-be new blog taking place in the married life as opposed to engagement! Hope to see some of my followers on there.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Relief Sets In

Though I am still having no doubts, I have been continuing to be nervous. Today I went back to the seamstress for another dress fitting, only nine days before my wedding. It fits PERFECTLY now. I have shoes to wear with it. A couple of weeks ago I had no shoes and it would only zip up halfway. I would have married my Jonathan with or without my ($600) wedding dress, but I am very happy that I get to wear it with. My wonderful seamstress is just finishing putting the lace back together and stuff like that and I get to pick it up on Monday.

A word of advice to any brides who buy a dress that doesn't fit quite right: Do NOT go to the seamstress employed by wherever you bought it. They may know the dress a little better, but they will charge an arm and a leg, and maybe your head too. At David's Bridal, I would have easily paid well over $200 in alterations alone for what I was getting done. By going to a local seamstress, I managed to pay $85 plus tax. It's incredible. She's been doing it for around 30 years and still charges reasonably!

Anyway, I will try to post pictures of the whole shebang sometime in the next week before the big day.

Monday, October 14, 2013

There Comes a Time...

There comes a time during your engagement where all of a sudden everything hits you like a sack of bricks. This time has come for me. For anyone who has read my previous posts, you can estimate about how long until my wedding, right? For those of you who are new here, I will let you know that I am marrying the love of my life in 1 week and 5 days, give or take a couple of hours.

I've been doing a daily countdown of the wedding, so you couldn't say I wasn't aware of how close the big day was getting. Today hit me harder than it has been when I realized, "Oh, sh*t! I am getting married NEXT WEEK!" Pardon my French, but that is word for word what went through my mind. Knowing that there are 12 days until my nuptials is a big thing to go with a small number. However, days can drag out and one day could seem like weeks in the eyes of a woman getting married. Knowing that it's next week all of a sudden made it feel within reach. It is making it so real for me.

Here is my to-do list of all the last minute details I need to figure out and do before the wedding:
  • Go to the next town over to get our marriage license (today)
  • Call our priest and make sure that everything at the church is set and make sure the rehearsal is scheduled (today, but he won't call back until tomorrow or later)
  • Figure out how on earth I'm supposed to change my name and eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeverything that comes with that (later, don't have the energy to research right now)
  • Wait patiently for my packages to arrive with last minute things for the wedding ceremony (today and tomorrow)
  • Tell Jonathan that I love him and that I am glad to be marrying him. (Today-next Saturday)
  • Calm the heck down!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

What a Wonderful Man

As I mentioned in a previous post, because of money stress, we will be downgrading a lot for the wedding, including my ring. That's what we were gonna do, anyway. I should probably provide you with a little back story before I explain what he did the other day that was so darn special.

Our first Valentine's Day together, he gave me a ring. It was a promise ring, just to say that he'd stay with me as long as I'd have him. It wasn't like committing our lives together or anything, we weren't rushing, I swear! He didn't just give me one though; he had a matching one. The best part is that he made them himself. He's big into jewelry making and making me a ring was so sweet. Well, I had to stop wearing mine because it was getting tight and I was allergic to the metal, but he never takes his off if he can avoid it, two and a half years later!

Now, back to a few days ago. It was time to go to the jewelers and ask if we could switch to the more inexpensive ring that I liked and make a payment on that one. Well, he made a payment, but he told them we still wanted the one we had originally picked out. I told him we couldn't afford it and tried to convince him to just buy the less expensive ring. He wouldn't let me have the lesser ring and told me that he would wear his promise ring as a wedding ring so I "could have the ring I deserve."

Honestly, the ring wasn't really all that important to me. Yes, I did prefer one to another, but I wasn't about to complain because I was just happy to be marrying him at all! The gesture, on the other hand, was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. I can't put into words how much it means to me that he would do something like that because he thinks I deserve the best. I'm the luckiest girl in the world and I won't be forgetting that any time soon.

With a bright smile on my face and a glow in my heart, I wish you a good night.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Letter to Fellow Future Brides

Dear Beautiful Bride,

Yes, I can say from my heart that you are beautiful without having ever met you or seen you. The man that asked you to marry him thinks that you are the most beautiful woman in the world, so if you are engaged, I can say with complete confidence that you are beautiful. Whether you feel beautiful or not, always remember that you are to the one whose opinion matters!

As your date approaches, I'm sure you are getting stressed out. You may be having the thoughts that many women do: "Am I marrying the right person?" or "Am I ready to settle down and get married?" Maybe you are completely sure that you are ready and with the right man but you are nervous for other reasons. "Do I have enough money to raise a family?" or "How will I pay for the wedding?" Those are pretty common questions women ask themselves days and weeks before the big event.

Honestly, nerves are part of the process. Doubting yourself, doubting your partner, and/or doubting your relationship are all totally normal. Don't throw it away on a whim because a thought popped through your head that scared you. If you don't stress about your wedding, I think something might be wrong with you. The fact of the matter is, getting married (and staying married) is not an easy task. You have to prepare yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and monetarily.

If you don't have much money to throw a big bash, then don't. A lot of people might say it's worth it to pay for it on credit, but that's just not true. If you want to celebrate with people, invite them to the wedding and don't have a reception. It may not be ideal, but you don't want to spend the next 30 years of your marriage paying off those $80 plates of salmon for 200 guests because you couldn't cut down the list. After the wedding is over, you should be able to be done stressing about paying for the wedding, not paying for it for the rest of your life. If you DO have the money for that kind of party, then go for it.

If you are looking for easy ways to cut costs, I can tell you so many. 

  • Flowers. If you find a pretty enough venue, you honestly don't need much more than the flowers for the wedding party. Flowers alone can cost as much as tens of thousands; that's BEFORE counting the flowers at the reception! 
  • Depending on the formality, get the bridesmaids non-floor length dresses, as they cost a good deal less. 
  • If the groom wears a nice suit instead of a tux, don't fret. A suit looks good if it fits him properly and is not powder blue. Tuxes can be a few hundred to rent and a few thousand to buy.
  • You can buy a dress off the rack at a bridal store and try for one that will need minimal alterations. If you can't find one you love, don't settle, but don't expect too much either.
  • Have a buffet style meal instead of those outrageous 6 course (or more) sit down meals with expensive catering.
  • Don't have a huge rehearsal dinner. Honestly, if you are having a reception after the wedding, do all of your guests need TWO huge meals at your expense?
  • Have a small wedding with only close family and friends and have the big one you always dreamed of in 10 years when you can afford it and renew your vows then. It's a great way to remind your spouse of how much you still love them.

Just remember Bride, your wedding is NOT about just you, no matter what other people may say. It is about you AND your new spouse. It is about your marriage and your love. Don't make it a day to show off and get dressed up, make it a day that people will remember witnessing a commitment of love! You'd rather people remember your wedding by how happy you were, not how good the music or food was. No matter how big or small your wedding is, you will be walking out of that church/park/beach/hotel as a woman with a new husband. Your love will be just as strong, even if you have to make sacrifices to get to where you are.

The Bigger Picture

It's hard when you have two weddings: the one you plan in your head and the one that actually happens. As you might expect, the one in your head will probably not happen when you get married young, like me. We thought we had it all figured out, but no; we were stuck in a daze dreaming of what we wanted, not what we could actually have.

Jonathan and I have come to terms with the fact that we're not going to be able to get everything we'd like. We're not even going to be getting half of what we'd like. We're struggling to find a place to live at a price we can afford, so here is a list of changes we decided to make to make surviving possible:

  • Cancel the more expensive apartment we wanted
  • Cancel the more expensive ring and go with one $200 cheaper
  • Cancel the photographer
  • Cancel the professional cake
  • Cancel any "real food" (just desserts)
  • Cancel cake made by a family friend for considerably less
  • Cancel reception
Making all of these changes is hard for me, especially since I already bought my perfect invitations and will now have to buy new ones that do not invite people to a reception we are not having. Luckily, I am not too terribly upset by any of this. Yes, I am a little disappointed that I planned so much stuff that is not going to happen. Yes, I am a little upset that it is going to be very different than how I always imagined it. However, if I look at the bigger picture, I know that I will be marrying the love of my life on October 26th, with or without the nicer ring or the pretty wedding cake or getting to have the first dance.

At the end of the day, it's not dancing or partying or having nicer jewelry that matters to me. I will be married to the love of my life, and that's what I care about. I will have over 50 years to tell him how much I love and appreciate him. I will be able to spend my entire life telling him that the fact that he even wanted me to have my dream wedding means so much to me. I can't imagine anyone being as good to me as he is and I know with all of my heart that I am making the right decision.

To all of you women out there who have already met the love of your life: don't take them for granted. Make sure they never forget you love them, because losing sight of that is such a horrible thing. Make sure they know that you never want to be with anyone else.

Monday, August 19, 2013

My New Mantra

I had a meltdown today. The stress had just piled up on me so much and I finally erupted. Money is very tight and things are getting difficult, this month especially. I'm realizing that the wedding is getting to be very close and we have no place to live yet! Planning a wedding is all fun and games-- until it isn't. My mom said I had a few options of what I could do: Option 1. We cut the guest list and have the reception somewhere cheaper or have no reception at all. Option 2. We make sacrifices and not buy the rings we picked out or get the apartments we wanted. Option 3. Push back the wedding date.

Holy moly, that third option is scary. What bride gets to counting down the days and then realizes they might have to wait several more months, if not longer, and is happy about it? Well, not this one. I will do ANYTHING I can to avoid pushing back the date. I've worked too hard for it. What I am thinking is that maybe we have a family-only no-host reception at a restaurant. I know it's kinda tacky, but my family knows my situation and that I can't afford to pay for that much food. Maybe no reception at all. If we did that, we'd get our $500 back; that would be nice...

Anyway, my father has been telling me four words that every engaged/married couple needs to have memorized to be happy and make it paycheck to paycheck: "We can't afford it." He tells me to repeat it over and over to myself and make it my mantra. He says it doesn't matter if I get the slightly nicer ring, as long as I am walking out of that day with a good husband. He's right, I will have an amazing husband.

Myself and the bridesmaids made our first big money saver: changing their dresses. We were already going to go with some FAIRLY inexpensive ones, but it was just too much considering the urgency of needing to order them. I will end up paying a little less for all three than I was going to pay for each. Well, that will help bring stress levels down drastically!

Anyway, my meltdown has ended and I seem to be somewhat rational again. Now I am going to go to bed and dream for a few hours that everything might be perfect someday.

To anyone that actually reads this, goodnight.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

And The Countdown Has Begun!

I am getting married in exactly 10 weeks! Give or take a few hours... I'm sure every woman remembers the countdown. Some women start counting down as soon as the date is set and some women start at various dates back (1 month, 2 months, 10 weeks, 100 days, etc.) I'm honestly not sure when I started counting down, but I think it was 2-3 weeks ago. I keep track of how many weeks and days. 70 days, folks!

Counting down really makes me more aware of how fast the wait is going. I keep thinking, "Really, it's already another week closer?" Being aware of how fast it's going also has it's downsides, though. It's really coming up on me and I'm all of a sudden getting nervous! That's normal though, so no need to worry. Some days I wish it were tomorrow though.

If the wedding would hurry up and get here, I would not have to worry about him backing out at the last minute. My constant insecurities cause me to permanently think of myself as not good enough for anyone. Luckily, my dearest Jonathan thinks that I AM good enough for him, so I don't have any REAL worries about him leaving me at the last minute. Right now we need to focus more on last minute preparations and arrangements (food, weight loss/dress alterations, tux rentals, tablecloth rentals, etc.) so we have no time to worry about who deserves who!

Now that the wedding is as close as it is, here are the things that we absolutely NEED to get done in the next month to make sure they're done in time and we can afford them:
  • Order bridesmaids dresses
  • Look for a place to live
  • Send out invitations
  • Finish paying off my ring (hopefully as a birthday gift?)
  • Pay back my mom the bit of cash I owe her
  • Put together our registry on (we have been putting it off for far too long)
  • Start ACTUALLY trying to fit into my dress
We've got most of everything planned, but not all of it is ready for action. We'll get there soon. Just having it planned is a huge leap forward, though! Hopefully we can figure it all out on time. Fingers crossed.

Now, who wants to see the invitations we've picked out and ordered? They got here about a month ago and I have been waiting for 8-9 weeks out to send them. I know some people say send at 6 weeks out, but most of our family guests live in other states so we figured sending a little early would be best. Anyway, 6 weeks just doesn't seem like enough time to make travel arrangements to me.

Crossed out names and super-identifying information for obvious reasons.

If any of you like this invitation, then I strongly urge you to buy any large quantities of paper goods on Vista Print's website. I really liked their selection and my ability to change any of the wording, font, and font size on the invitations! They've got a great selection of lower priced stuff and higher priced stuff. For 90 of these we only paid $56, what a steal! They've constantly got amazing deals going on, which is how we got these so cheap.

Anyway, sorry for going so long without posting on here. I hope that a few of my subscribers are still interested in reading about my journey to the isle. I will try to update more often in the next 10 weeks!

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Another Mountain to Cross

So, I have to deal with a problem that a lot of people in the shoes of a bride go through... Weight loss. I bought a dress quite a bit in advance from my wedding, and I was figuring on maintaining my weight until the wedding... I gained a few pounds, apparently, and I need to lose at least 10 pounds to fit back into my dress... It would be a disaster if I didn't get into it because it is my absolute dream dress! I want this; I NEED this. I need to be beautiful on the day of my wedding.

On a brighter note, I am up to 8 followers on my blog... Woohoo to me! I am being listening to! Happy to have some readers here to know that I am not writing for nothing. You guys keep me going with this blog (even though my posts have been fewer and far between lately.) I hope that all of the brides-to-be reading this don't have to deal with my lame problems! Good luck to all of you for the day of your wedding! <3

Friday, February 8, 2013

Valentine's Day

So, we're spending Valentine's Day babysitting for my parents, since my little brother has an out-of-town appointment during the day. We're stuck at my house all day, until Jonathan goes to work-- then I am by myself. I am was thinking of making a dinner for my family, as a special treat for my love. Luckily, my mom said she would pay for the ingredients, since I will be feeding her kids too...

My mom suggested a chicken dish. Since I need to learn to cook on a budget and chicken is an inexpensive meet, that sounds like a fantastic idea! If you have any recipes you'd like to volunteer to me before then, I'd appreciate it!

What are you doing for the big day?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

No Doubts, No Problem

In my last post, I talked about being disappointed that I know my dream isn't realistic. Who knows, maybe it is? Well, last night I had a dream that made me feel better, and made me believe it IS realistic. Want me to recap the dream for you? Okay, here I go.

In my dream, I was pregnant. I had just gone into labor and I was walking around like a balloon with my big belly sticking out. He took me to the hospital and I laid down in the bed. The dream skipped some hours and then next thing I knew, the baby had just come out. Jonathan had stars in his eyes when he took one look at our little baby.

Do you want to know why that dream was so reassuring? If he is going to be this in love with our children when they are born, there is no way he won't be like that with me on the joyous day of our wedding. I feel so much better about the whole thing now. Now I'm thinking about babies though, and that's not a good thing (yet!)

Well thank you for listening to my silly rambling again, I will post again soon. <3

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Fantasy, Prince Charming, Disappointment

I used to have this fantasy-- I used to picture walking down the isle in my dream dress in a beautiful church and seeing my prince charming waiting at the end with stars in his eyes, maybe even crying... I imaged it being the perfect moment, beautiful and blissful. When I get to the end of the isle, my (step)dad can barely control himself as he gives me away. Everything would be magic. Isn't that what just about every girl wants in their wedding?

Well now I have come to the realization that Prince Charming does NOT exist. Don't get me wrong, I love my Jonathan dearly; I wouldn't trade him for anything. Like any other couple, though, we have our ups and downs. No one will ever have the "perfect relationship." It's a dream. I have the [ir?]rational fear that nothing is going to go right at our wedding.

Let's start with the basics. Stars in his eyes? Doubtful. I'm not that special. I mean he says that he will be so happy at our wedding, but I just can't picture it :-/ Tears?-- now that is definitely not going to happen. Maybe this is just my clinical depression speaking that makes me expect the worst. Maybe I am being completely irrational! What do you think? Next, my step dad crying... Well he's just not that type of person.

Anyway, I can only hope that things turn out exactly as I'm NOT expecting, because this is supposed to be the most joyous time of my life.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Feeling Beautiful

So, I bought my dress on Saturday. I had a great time with my bridesmaids in Spokane. We picked out and paid for my dress (it will be in sometime in April) and we picked out the bridesmaids dresses which I was going to buy BUT I hit my credit limit. Boohoo!

It felt nice trying on my dream dress. Every time I went on the David's Bridal website, I drooled over this dress. It was my dream to have this dress. I tried it on in a few sizes too big, so the woman helping me had to pin it back. I fell in love with it instantly.

There was another dress that I was strongly considering, but since I am having a Catholic wedding, I can't have a strapless dress which means I would have also had to buy something to cover my shoulders. The only problem with that is that the dress was already right at my budget. Because of this, and the fact that it was beautiful, I went with the other dress. I am very satisfied with my choice.

Being a plus-sized bride, I am self conscious constantly; I felt like I had never felt before in this dress. This dress called out my name when I first laid eyes on it. Since I tried it on a few sizes too big, I had to guess that my size was the same as in the other dresses I tried on. Hopefully I'm right! If it does turn out to be a little small, luckily I CAN lose weight between April and October. I will be a beautiful blushing bride. :-)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Long Lists of People

Names. Lots and lots of names. Names galore! We have been working on our list of people to send save the dates and invitations to. We ordered 150 cards (with free envelopes, yay!), and I am getting ready to fill a bunch out now. I am actually going to be working on that as soon as I am done posting this. So far we only have 58 addresses, but we're going to be giving some to people rather than sending in the mail, so there will be over a hundred I'm sure, once we've sent and handed everyone their cards. Wow, that was a long sentence! The save the date cards are just as cute as they were in the picture, so I am pretty satisfied.

On another note, I am getting geared up for this weekend! Getting a chance to spend some time with my girls and look at pretty dresses, then spending the night with a friend. I haven't had a "sleepover" in years! We're going to go look at dresses, get some panda express for lunch or dinner, and make ABSOLUTE SURE to stop by a Krispy Kreme donut store!

Tell me, how excited were you girls when you went dress shopping for the first time? If you haven't gone yet or if you're not even engaged yet, how excited do you anticipate being when your time comes? Trust me, it will live up to it's expectations, and then some.

I will probably see you all again after the weekend! Have fun blogging :-)

Monday, January 14, 2013


So I know this isn't wedding related, buuut I want to bring this up anyway. I am really self conscious. I feel like I am not talented. Of course, my amazing fiance disagrees! I love to sing, and some people tell me I'm good but I'm not so sure. I was thinking of posting a video on YouTube and seeing if other people agree or disagree with my friends. What do you guys think of this idea? I'm worried that if people say I'm no good that my confidence will be shot to hell, but on the other hand it might boost my confidence a lot. Hmm, decisions decisions!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Back to Dresses

A lot of people have negative things to say about David's Bridal and a lot of people have positive things to say about them. I, for one, am one to say positive things for them. At least SOME of their stuff is a pretty good price, and the one I went to gave me phenomenal customer service. I like it so much that I'm going back!

I am going with two of my bridesmaids over to Spokane, WA to go back to David's Bridal. I am excited to go try on more dresses, and I have style numbers written down to ask if I can try on. I am also pretty thrilled (as are my bridesmaids) to pick out bridesmaids dresses while we're there! My girls definitely lean toward their feminine sides, which means they just love dresses. This will be fun.

Last time I went to David's Bridal in Spokane, I showed up without an appointment on a Friday afternoon and they still got me in to try stuff on. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to show up unannounced after a long drive... Probably should have called. Anyway, I got treated so well there. Best of all, despite being an overweight bride, I didn't feel fat at all. The woman helping me with everything was a size six and she still went so out of her way to make me feel beautiful, and she succeeded. I found my dream dress and was determined to get it, but as I found out (mentioned in my last post), I can't wear a strapless dress. I am going to try it back on and see about maybe wearing a bolero with it, as well as trying on more dresses hopefully. My budget got bumped up to $600, so maybe I can try on either my first or second choice dream dresses. Well, I guess I can't say first or second; I love them both so much!

So, I am going back next Saturday, doing my first long car drive (I'm used to in town driving or having other people drive me out of town D:) so I am nervous. It will go amazingly, and I can't wait, long car ride or not. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Summary Of It All

We talked to our priest today, and we learned a lot of things.

First off, I can't wear a strapless dress. That's it. I have to find a bolero to wear with the dress I picked out or choose a different dress. That sucks, because I love the dress I found, just the way it is. I will live, though. No one died from covering their shoulders in a church. It's a good thing I asked the priest before I forgot!

Next, we talked about the things we need to do for marriage prep in my church. We need to use a number 2 pencil (so the priest joked) to do a long "test" basically asking us questions about each other and stuff like that. He said it will take an hour and a half. Whoa, that's a while! We're going back to the church on Thursday morning to get set up with that.

Another requirement to get married in my diocese is going to this retreat called "Engaged Encounter." It's about $300 for the weekend, which is pricey, but everyone I've heard from that's gone to it says that it was amazing and that they're glad that they went. I guess it's a good thing it's a requirement, because I probably wouldn't end up going otherwise. I'm sure it will be very good for us as a couple!

We talked to the church secretary about fees and such at the church. It will be $200 to rent the church for the ceremony, $200 for the priest/donation to the church, and $450 to use their side building for the reception. That's a bit more than I was expecting... Oh well, we'll move some numbers around I guess. It's not like we have any other choice.

I got my money today! I know that student grants are supposed to go toward living expenses, but at the moment I don't pay for living expenses and my school is 100% covered, so I guess I have a little extra money... Cha-ching! I can hear that dress just calling my name. And I would even have some money left over! Handy dandy.

On another note, I ordered the save the date cards last night, that I posted a photo of the other day. It was a good price, but they failed to mention the $20 shipping charge, which I couldn't downgrade from... It was still good, so oh well, I can deal with it. I also ordered the red pocket folds that I mentioned in a previous post for the invitations. 150 of everything! We will be set for sure.

So, that was our day... Well, last night too. We're getting there, slowly but surely!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Meeting With The Priest

Today I called my priest back, and guess what! He called back an hour later! The last message I left must have gotten lost in cyber space, I suppose.

It's OFFICIAL! The church is now reserved on October 26th at 2 PM for our wedding. I am so exciting. When things happen officially it all seems to much more real. It seems so close but so far away! Almost 10 months before the wedding, and there is still sooo much to do and so little time.

We're meeting with our priest on Tuesday at 2 PM for premarital "counseling", I guess. I'm not sure what to expect, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I am so nervous, because I don't go to church as often as I would like to claim, so talking to the priest will be a little weird. I barely know the priest when he's already been at our parish for almost a year, I think. It doesn't help that he's a very awkward and nervous guy, which is gonna make it even more nerve-wracking to me. I wonder how many times we'll have to meet with him...

On another note, we started a FB event where people can RSVP to the wedding. Don't worry, we're still going to send out save the dates and formal invitations, but this way we can get a closer idea of how many people we might be expecting. It won't be 100% accurate, though, since there are people we are inviting without Facebook accounts, or even computers! We've got 20 people who have said yes on the RSVP on FB and 9 maybes, SO FAR. We invited 108 people total, I think, but a lot of those people will be coming together if they do in fact come.

Anyway, I will stop using your free time by making you read my mind mush and let you go. Happy blogging!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Save The Date Cards

We were originally planning on just sending out invitations six months out and skipping save the date cards, but things got in the way of that. Apparently, some of my extended family needs more warning than that, so we're back to having to do save the dates. I've been looking at some, and they are almost as expensive as the invitations themselves! Yeesh, so we're going to have to budget with them both to not go over too much by doing a set of each rather than just invites. Here are the ones I was looking at, let me know what you think.

They're simple and I think rather nice. Guess what-- it's only $60 for a hundred of them! That's such a good deal, these days. The key is to look and look and then look some more until you find good deals (while still using reputable sources.) 

We're planning on sending out around 100 invites and save the dates, so good deals are a good thing to look out for. It's especially good when you're planning a wedding on a tight budget like we are. We need to buy the cards and send them out ASAP now! As soon as I get some money ;-)

I hope all of you people planning weddings are working as hard to make your day special as I am!

Friday, January 4, 2013


For all of you who don't know what a stay-cation is, it is a stay at home vacation. My fiance and I have been talking about just how expensive honeymoons are. We were thinking of so many places, then narrowed it down to Puerto Rico. Everything there looked perfect and we were excited about the prospect of going somewhere like that. Nothing was set in stone... Which turned out to be good. It is really a good thing we didn't get our hopes up too high because it got to be time to get our heads out of the clouds. We're on a budget. I don't have a job, his isn't great paying and we are both basically surviving on school grants.

Tonight we have tossed around a few ideas-- staying home and saving the money for an even better vacation at a later time, doing a weekend thing not too far out of town, or maybe even going to this place (I don't remember the details) that his parents really wanted to go to with us. That last one doesn't sound too terribly romantic, but oh well. As long as we're not sharing a room with them, I'm good!

I want to go somewhere with a spa. No matter what we do or where we go, I would love to get a couple's massage with him. It can be romantic, relaxing, and maybe get someone in the mood? Just kidding about that last part.

Another place I'd be interested in going is maybe renting a cabin for a few days and go camping. Toasting marshmallows by a fire, fishing during the day... Maybe not the most romantic of things, but we both love camping and fishing. It would be fun and outdoorsy. What would you think of something like that?

Something you have to ask yourself when planning a honeymoon is: "What can I do that will be fun and within my means?" Do NOT get your hopes up and daydream about what you COULD do, just think about what you CAN do. You will enjoy yourself a lot more if you don't keep thinking you wish you could have done something better or gone somewhere nicer. Doing that will only take away from what is supposed to be a very special time in your life. Money can't buy memories, after all!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Talking To The Officiant

Just the week after we got engaged, we called the priest at my church to find out about going to premarital counseling, which I believe it a requirement for marriage at my church. That was about two months ago! No call back yet! I've been thinking about calling again and leaving ANOTHER message, but on the other hand, if he hasn't called back then he must be pretty busy...

My sister had this same problem with the same priest-- he did call back eventually though. He called back a few months later, I believe. He doesn't just have people leave messages with the church secretary anymore, since there was confusion once, so now he takes his own messages. It doesn't seem to be working.

To call or not to call, that is the question.

Who are you going to have marry you? Have you contacted him/her yet? In case you run into problems, it would be good to contact him/her as soon as possible. You never know when someone might not get the message or something else might happen. Don't be like me-- make sure you keep trying and keep trying until you make absolute sure that they are going to be able to and willing to do it!

Well, here's the end of a short post. Until next time, friends.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What To Walk Down The Isle In

Shoes. Everyone loves shoes, right? Shoes come in so many different shapes and sizes, colors and brands. One shoe can tell so much about a person. Today's question: describe the perfect shoe for your wedding day. Okay, so that's not really a question, but do it anyway. Just picture yourself wearing your dress standing in front of a closet of a million different shoes. Would you go for the flat ones or the high heels? Would you go for white or bright red? Do you want the ones with big bows on the toes? Sandals or dress shoes? There are too many decisions to make when it comes to deciding on what pair of shoes to pick.

Some women like to choose something with a lot of color. It can be bold, edgy, sexy, or whatever you want it to be. Do you choose a color that reflects upon your personality or do you choose something to match the bridesmaid dresses? I like a lot of color in weddings, even though it's supposed to be full of white and all that fun stuff. Admittedly, I would probably go with simple white shoes, though. I love color, but I am a simple person without too much spunk. I just don't think that bright shoes like some women wear would look like ME. I definitely wouldn't bash on anyone who did choose to wear some color on their feet when the rest of them is dressed in all white.

A lot of people might consider white shoes to be boring and lack any personality to them. In some cases, that might be true. Think of it this way-- when you see cute shoes, is it because of the style or is it the color? If it's the color, then you are welcome to disregard this whole thing. I like shoes for how they are designed. I like tall shoes and I like short shoes. I like some skinny shoes and some bulky ones. I like sandals and sneakers too. High heels? Sure. Flats, definitely. There are so many different characteristics to shoes that you shouldn't make a big decision on how ANY part of you is dressed on your wedding day based on one little thing like color.

These days, you can never be a bride without at least five or ten people noticing your feet. Your shoes, though they may not be as important as your dress, still need to be considered. All I am saying is, don't throw any old rags of leather onto your feet and call it good!

Shoes to match your dress is a perfect excuse to shop, shop, SHOP!
So what are you still doing here?

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Groom's Cakes

This is such an open subject. What really is a groom's cake? To some people, it is a cake that a bride gives to the groom as a gift at the rehearsal dinner or at the wedding reception. To other people, though, it is merely a second cake served at the wedding in the event of there not being enough of the "wedding cake."

I always grew up believing that a groom's cake was the latter of the two above mentioned things. Now that I have learned about the cake being a gift to the groom from the bride, I kinda think that it basically being the "spare cake" is tacky and lame.

I love the idea of a groom's cake. The bride gets to present something [tasty] to her husband-to-be in the form of something that reflects upon his interests. A woman can use this as a way of saying, "I know who you are and what you like; I can't wait to marry you." One thing that I love about the whole thing is that you can make it anything you want. Or anything he would want, rather. My fiancé works in a home improvement store and LOVES to work with his hands, so I am going to order a cake in the shape of a tool box with tools scattered across the top. This is a chance for a bride to get super creative.

As stated before, a groom's cake can be presented at either the rehearsal dinner OR at the wedding reception. What I plan on doing is having it at the rehearsal dinner because the rehearsal dinner is so much more personal. I mean, sure, at the wedding reception you two will be newlyweds, but it's not as intimate. At the [traditional] rehearsal dinner, only immediate family and the wedding party will be there. It is so much more personal. A wedding reception is almost as much for the guests as it is for the bride and groom, so why give such an intimate gift there? I think that the groom's cake is for the groom, not for everyone else, which is why I think giving it to him with just a few family and friends there would be best.

One thing that is slightly aggravating about the whole thing though, is my wondering, "why IS there even a groom's cake?" It's not like there is a bride's cake. The "wedding cake" is for both of the happy couple, so why is there one just for the groom? Not that I think there is anything wrong with it, of course, but I wonder how the whole idea got started.

Since many weddings don't have big enough wedding cakes to feel all of their guests, for whatever reasons (too many guests, small cake, too expensive, etc.), it is good to have a spare cake. Why not just get a big fancy sheet cake? If you get a big enough one, it alone could feed all of the guests. Just please, don't let a cheap $25 Wal*Mart cake be your cake that you give to your new husband. That is just beyond tacky.

So there you have it, folks; groom's cakes are a perfect way out of giving your husband a real wedding gift!
Just kidding.