Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Letter to Fellow Future Brides

Dear Beautiful Bride,

Yes, I can say from my heart that you are beautiful without having ever met you or seen you. The man that asked you to marry him thinks that you are the most beautiful woman in the world, so if you are engaged, I can say with complete confidence that you are beautiful. Whether you feel beautiful or not, always remember that you are to the one whose opinion matters!

As your date approaches, I'm sure you are getting stressed out. You may be having the thoughts that many women do: "Am I marrying the right person?" or "Am I ready to settle down and get married?" Maybe you are completely sure that you are ready and with the right man but you are nervous for other reasons. "Do I have enough money to raise a family?" or "How will I pay for the wedding?" Those are pretty common questions women ask themselves days and weeks before the big event.

Honestly, nerves are part of the process. Doubting yourself, doubting your partner, and/or doubting your relationship are all totally normal. Don't throw it away on a whim because a thought popped through your head that scared you. If you don't stress about your wedding, I think something might be wrong with you. The fact of the matter is, getting married (and staying married) is not an easy task. You have to prepare yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and monetarily.

If you don't have much money to throw a big bash, then don't. A lot of people might say it's worth it to pay for it on credit, but that's just not true. If you want to celebrate with people, invite them to the wedding and don't have a reception. It may not be ideal, but you don't want to spend the next 30 years of your marriage paying off those $80 plates of salmon for 200 guests because you couldn't cut down the list. After the wedding is over, you should be able to be done stressing about paying for the wedding, not paying for it for the rest of your life. If you DO have the money for that kind of party, then go for it.

If you are looking for easy ways to cut costs, I can tell you so many. 

  • Flowers. If you find a pretty enough venue, you honestly don't need much more than the flowers for the wedding party. Flowers alone can cost as much as tens of thousands; that's BEFORE counting the flowers at the reception! 
  • Depending on the formality, get the bridesmaids non-floor length dresses, as they cost a good deal less. 
  • If the groom wears a nice suit instead of a tux, don't fret. A suit looks good if it fits him properly and is not powder blue. Tuxes can be a few hundred to rent and a few thousand to buy.
  • You can buy a dress off the rack at a bridal store and try for one that will need minimal alterations. If you can't find one you love, don't settle, but don't expect too much either.
  • Have a buffet style meal instead of those outrageous 6 course (or more) sit down meals with expensive catering.
  • Don't have a huge rehearsal dinner. Honestly, if you are having a reception after the wedding, do all of your guests need TWO huge meals at your expense?
  • Have a small wedding with only close family and friends and have the big one you always dreamed of in 10 years when you can afford it and renew your vows then. It's a great way to remind your spouse of how much you still love them.

Just remember Bride, your wedding is NOT about just you, no matter what other people may say. It is about you AND your new spouse. It is about your marriage and your love. Don't make it a day to show off and get dressed up, make it a day that people will remember witnessing a commitment of love! You'd rather people remember your wedding by how happy you were, not how good the music or food was. No matter how big or small your wedding is, you will be walking out of that church/park/beach/hotel as a woman with a new husband. Your love will be just as strong, even if you have to make sacrifices to get to where you are.

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